What We Do
Since 1988, Gray Systems, Inc. has been the premier source for community association information, right from the inception of licensing requirements. Over the past 36 years, we’ve published numerous courses and manuals, educating thousands of Florida’s Community Association Managers and earning our place as the leading provider of CAM materials.
We were the first to offer pre-licensure education in Florida and have been the most successful in ensuring our students pass the state exam and thrive in their careers. Our president, Fred Gray, was instrumental in developing the original pre-licensure programs and remains a top expert in CAM training.
Our educational materials are shaped by extensive input from experienced managers and our deep industry knowledge, offering dependable answers and resources for our clients and students.

In 1994, the construction industry began requiring continuing education and Gray Systems Incorporated was one of the first providers in the state. In 1995, the electrical contractors continuing education requirement became effective and Gray Systems again was one of the first providers approved to provide this education. Since that time we have developed hundreds of continuing education courses and offer the class in numerous locations each year throughout the state. We have successfully provided continuing education for over 50,000 contractors in the state of Florida.
We have demonstrated our ability to provide beneficial, interesting, cost effective and enjoyable continuing education programs with great success. Our students eagerly anticipate participating with us when it is time for their continuing education.
If you’re not taking advantage of Gray Systems programs, we would like the opportunity to show you how we can make you enjoy your continuing education and benefit you and your business by using our services.