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What is the licensure Procedure?

You can apply using the online services located at:
or call the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.
Here’s some information to be aware of:

  • AGE: You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • PRE-LICENSURE EDUCATION: Submit a Prelicensure Education Certificate from an approved provider consisting of at least 16 hours of pre-licensure education.
  • FINGERPRINTS: An applicant must have a background check as part of the licensing process. To learn more about fingerprinting, please visit the:
    Fingerprint FAQs
  • EXAMINATION: For information regarding the examination, please review the: Candidate Information Booklet
  • FEE: Pay the required fee as provided in the application. If applying online, you can pay with a credit card or electronic check. If mailing your application, please include a check payable to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
  • APPLICATION: Complete the application by clicking on the “Online Services” link or the “Printable Application” link at the bottom of the page.
  • MORE INFORMATION: Learn More about this profession’s application requirements
    (use the back button or arrow to return to this page).
We will now be meeting through Zoom. Live classes, fully interactive and just like a real class. Only in the privacy of your own home/office.
CAM PREL dates:
CAM Prelicensure Schedule

Effective March 14, 2021
In-person classroom hours of instruction means that required hours must be in person or from interactive, real-time courses. An interactive, real-time course may be a web-based, satellite-transmitted, telephone or video conference, or online instruction program that allows or requires the applicant to interact in real-time, including live chat, with the instructor during the presentation of the program or in a question and answer session upon completion of the program.

Visit the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation website at You will need to register there, choosing a username and password, and your social security number. If you have already made that step, go direction to the CAM Application.
PearsonVue, the testing center, offers finger printing.
You can get more information about this at: Test Taker Services.
The state suggests a variety of other locations in their
Community Association Manager Candidate Information Booklet.
When the state has competed the application processing your application, fingerprint check and your GSI Exam Preparation Course certificate, you will be contacted by the testing company, PearsonVUE. You set up your own date and time with PearsonVUE and will be tested at a site of your choice on a computer.
All Course Materials

You will be receiving the Prelicensure book along with 2 handouts, a highlighter and pencil prior to class.
We also provide you with the Florida CAM State exam online review course. This online course is an additional study guide that will help you prepare for the state exam.
You can also come back to our Zoom class course as many times as you need to within the 12 months from your initial class, as a refresher.

Classroom Courses via Zoom

Sign up now for the date of your choice.
CAM Prelicensure Schedule

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