Florida CAM State Exam Online Review


Pass your exam! Take this review, developed by the experts in the industry who have been doing it the longest and know the State Exam better than anyone!!

Click the start button to view the Florida CAM Online Review Course.






You’ve heard of practice tests and flash cards…. these, while somewhat helpful, can quickly become “dated” and more than likely do not reflect the latest changes and updates to Florida statutes and codes. GSI makes sure the Online Review material is always current and contains the latest changes in the laws and rules.

Gray Systems, Inc. provides this online review to help candidates for the Florida Community Association Manager license prepare for the state examination. This course is ideal for students who have taken a course but need a quick review before taking the exam. (Note: Students who have taken the GSI Prelicensure Course in either the classroom or correspondence course versions have this review included in their tuition.)

*Please note that this Online Review does not satisfy the requirement for the 16 hour prelicensure course and a certificate of attendance will not be issued for those taking this Online Review. This certificate of attendance for the required 16 hour prelicensure courses is available only through our prelicensure classroom or correspondence courses.


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